VHF|UHF Frequency Hopping Jamming System

The VHF/UHF Frequency Hopping Jamming System is engineered for tactical countermeasure operations, aiming to disrupt frequency hopping communication systems operating within the 30 MHz to 3 GHz frequency band.

Product Overview

This jammer exhibits a formidable operational range, extending up to 12 km in Land Scenarios and 6 km in Naval Scenarios, with the capability to jam hopping rates of up to 20,000 hops per second.Fully computer controllable, the jammer can be conveniently housed in a compact metallic box for applications requiring a shorter range or in a military shelter mounted on a truck for extended operational distances, adapting to specific requirements as needed.

Can be configured for operation in multiple frequency bands

Can cover VHF and UHF bands for jamming of FH, DSSS, CWand burst transmission

Can be upgraded for jamming SATURN and LINK-16 bands

Covers entire frequency range in a single 'look through' time frame of 50 μsec with hop rate up to 20,000 hops/sec

High power jamming of specific frequencies up to 2 KW

Can jam up to 10 enemy radio FH/DSSS network simultaneously

System Screenshots

Jamming of Adversaries Frequency Hopping Radio Network

Jamming of Adversaries Frequency Hopping Radio Network

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