Radio Reconnaissance & Jamming Station

The Radio Reconnaissance and Jamming Station specialize in the monitoring and jamming of radio signals within the frequency range of 25 to 1000 MHz. The SCL-RPJ facilitates audio monitoring, technical analysis, and monopulse bearing finding of radio emission sources. It can scan the VHF/UHF frequency bands to identify diverse sources of radio transmissions along with their signal parameters.

Product Overview

The SCL-RPJ is proficient in direction finding (DF) of radio signal sources and generating jamming signals with the required waveform for effective countermeasures. Equipped with a versatile receiver, the station can be programmed to scan specific frequency bands. Signal spectrum scanning yields a list of signals that can be individually monitored and analyzed, revealing signal parameters such as center frequency, bandwidth, power level, and modulation type (AM, FM, CW, FSK, ASK, and PSK). Additionally, the jamming station can perform wideband signal analysis, detecting frequency hopping signals at rates of up to 300 hops per second.

A comprehensive VHF/UHF monitoring and wideband DF system that encompasses jamming capabilities

Equipped to scan the targeted frequency spectrum for radio transmissions

Proficient in conducting in-depth signal analysis to discern all signal parameters

Capable of detecting frequency-hopping (FH) signals

Employs sensitive DF antennas for precise direction finding

Facilitates the generation of jamming signals tailored to target radio signal characteristics

Amplifies and transmits jamming signals via directional antennas

Utilizes a frequency-hopping (FH) chasing algorithm to execute follow-up jamming manoeuvres

System Screenshots

Radio Reconnaissance & Jamming Station

Radio Reconnaissance & Jamming Station

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