Electronic Warfare

Electronic Warfare

From ancient leaders conducting wars with arrows and swords to the rise of remotely operable electronic warfare technologies, time has drastically changed. Needless to say, where technology provides us with high-end safety and efficient working, the same if misused, can cause massive damage to humankind.

Electronic Warfare: A Warfare Generation That Can Start Modern Wars Invisibly

From ancient leaders conducting wars with arrows and swords to the rise of remotely operable electronic warfare technologies, time has drastically changed. Needless to say, where technology provides us with high-end safety and efficient working, the same, if misused, can cause massive damage to humankind.

One example of modernization is the emergence of Electronic warfare. It is one such advancement that can start a battle invisibly. Including a range of devices like drones, radars, RCIED, and others, the military and intelligence agencies now use a complete spectrum of electronic warfare systems. But that's not it; illegal agencies also seek consistent access. Thus, it raises the need forElectronic Warfare Solutionsand other sophisticated defense technologies like the ones provided by Shoghi. But what is electronic warfare, and how does it impact modern wars?

Understanding Electronic Warfare (EW)

Since the advent of the first battlefield radio, electronic warfare (EW) has been a part of contemporary conflict. But, it has advanced much beyond the simple jamming of radio communications. Armed forces can conduct operations using electronic warfare devices to sense, access, and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).

The EMS provides navigation, location, communications, and other amenities to military personnel; electronic warfare delivers such assistance for allies and makes them inaccessible to enemies. Additionally, they can intercept and decode communications to gather information about an enemy's objectives. Typically silent and undetectable, electronic warfare likeRCIED Jammer,Drone locator, orESM/ELINT Systemcan defuse the enemies' actions in a counter-attack. Since every machine and instrument uses EM waves to communicate, electronic warfare can occur over land, sea, and air.

Need For Electronic Warfare

Electromagnetic spectrum technology is becoming critical to modern military and intelligence units as it is the base for communication. Hence, warfare likeDrone locatorcan help make informed judgments and engage targets precisely using captured signals. Electronic Warfare likeArea Protection Jammer,Anti Drone Systems, and others performs a crucially critical purpose by defending our access from threats and rivals.

Electronic Warfare Capabilities And Significance

Electronic Warfare Systems can be configured in various ways based on the exquisite requirement of the agency. The incredibly sophisticated and advanced technology used can make them act as attackers or protectors. As countries today face many challenges originating due to Avant-garde technology, the need for smart solutions is undeniable.

There are three types of Electronic warfare with varied capabilities. Each of these holds a great significance of its own on tactical grounds:

1. Electronic attack (EA)

It is the part of EW mainly linked to attacking or disrupting the electronic or other infrastructure. It can cause safety threats to the country. It involves drones, RCIED, and others with the potential to weaken the forces when deployed strategically.

2. Electronic protection (EP)

It entails recognizing, analyzing, neutralizing, or eliminating the electronic attack by using countermeasures. Some standard measures that Shoghi provides areIntelligent Jammer,ESM/ELINT System,Satellite Phone Jammer,VHF/UHF Jammer, and any combination of the above EW capabilities, which are part of threat analysis and reaction. Once the EP is ensured, the next variant is Electronic Warfare Support or ES, which ensures no such instances happen in the future.

3. Electronic warfare support (ES)

It complies with operational instructions to swiftly detect, intercept, identify, and track electromagnetic energy sources to identify threats and provide input into future operational planning. It strengthens the core and ensures that attacks from such electronic warfare are denied at the source itself, thus causing no to little harm. Since ES threat detection incorporates geolocation and direction-finding capabilities like Shoghi'sGPS jammerorPortable Radar Warning System, it is frequently referred to as the ISR mission of electronic warfare.

How Does Electronic Warfare Affect Modern Warfare?

The EW employs radio and microwave frequencies for satellites, radars, and communications. Some EW techniques use infrared for enemy targeting and intelligence gathering. With the global technologies and developments, implementing the EW in modern warfare offers a cutting edge to the countries on the battlefield.

Considering the current scenario, intelligence agencies need intelligent yetSelective Jammingdevices like Shoghi'sIntelligent Prison Jamming SystemorManpack RCIED Jammer. Advanced electronic warfare and solutions have the ability to customization as per the specific need of the agency. Additionally, such technology can be integrated with high-techcyber intelligence solutionsthat can help in gathering key information about the threat in an efficient manner.

Apart from this, the protection and support aspect of electronic warfare can help the military forces gain information and details about the enemy. It will help them to plan counter-attacks that can avoid hostility and ensure active protection.

Electronic Warfare Solutions

EV solutions such as smart and sophisticated jammers, radars, anti-drone systems, and linked technologies can ensure a country's safety. At the same time, merging them withcyber warfarecan also add a protective layer required by the government.

The standardElectronic warfare solutionsdeveloped by Shoghi includeRCIED Jammers,Anti Drone Systems,Area Protection Jammer,VHF/UHF Frequency Hopping Jamming Systems,ESM/ELINT Systems, and others.

All these are airborne or ground-based systems and can be used by mounting them at a place or on a mobile vehicle to detect, locate, target, and neutralize the target. Mainly used for intercepting and processing vital information over electronic transmissions, these ensure jamming and restricting the usage of frequencies that fall under the national threat.


The beginning of the history of electronic warfare is the conclusion of World War II. At that time, nations began to advance their capacities for electronic warfare. RF communication also began to gain prominence at this time and was no longer solely a technology for military applications. As was the case up until the early 2000s, physical power is no longer sufficient to win a modern conflict.

Electronic warfare is anticipated to become even more critical as our modern society becomes increasingly dependent on technology. Modernization and globalization have caused the emergence of new companies and technologies capable of offering better warfare solutions against such threats. Shoghi is one of the pioneers in the industry and is known for offering integrated electronic warfare solutions and systems that range from ISR to jammers and other products.

It would be right to say that electronic warfare can make or break a strategic mission if not used correctly and intelligently. Thus, it is crucial to understand the various aspects of electronic warfare and choose the right products for a nation's safety and security.


Around the world the Military, Defence forces and Intelligence agencies of more than seventy countries reach out for Shoghi when it comes to integrated electronic defense technologies, products and systems.

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