Our ESM modules detect, intercept, and analyze electromagnetic emissions as well as deceive enemy radars and communication systems. However, ELINT modules focuses on gathering intelligence from electronic signals, helping in strategic decision-making and threat assessment. Together, these modules enhance defense capabilities to provide critical situational awareness and threat identification.

Robust Electronic Support Measures

Our sophisticated Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) system, comprising both static and mobile platforms tailored for military requirements, enables the detection of hostile radars, both on the ground and in the air, even at extended ranges. To address Electronic Counter measure (ECM) needs , we provide fully-equipped, high-performance vehicle-based jammers specifically designed for tactical radio communications on the battlefield. The integration of wideband receivers with direction-finding antennae allows for precise localization of transmission directions.

Our sophisticated Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) system, comprising both static and mobile platforms tailored for military requirements, enables the detection of hostile radars, both on the ground and in the air, even at extended ranges.

We provide fully-equipped, high-performance vehicle-based jammers specifically designed for tactical radio communications on the battlefield. The integration of wideband receivers with direction-finding antennae allows for precise localization of transmission directions.

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Around the world the Military, Defence forces and Intelligence agencies of more than seventy countries reach out for Shoghi when it comes to integrated electronic defense technologies, products and systems.

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74, Electronic Complex, Industrial Area, Shoghi, Shimla - 171219 (HP) India

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Note:- All the system / equipments offered by us are for end - usage by Government or Ministry of Defence or its related agencies only and not for private or commercial usage.

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