Portable Ground Surveillance Radars

Our Portable Ground Surveillance Radars has been designed to provide real-time detection and tracking capabilities for personnel, vehicles, and aircraft across various terrains. With advanced signal processing algorithms and long-range capabilities, our radars can be best suited for border control, perimeter defense, and military operations.

Dynamic Protection: Compact Surveillance Device for Quick Response

The long-range radar is engineered to endure harsh environmental conditions and can be remotely operated. Furthermore, the integration option with sensors like electro-optic cameras enhances customers' surveillance capabilities, enabling early detection of unwanted movements.

Versatile applications include border security, battlefield surveillance, safeguarding civilian and military installations, and supporting combat operations with effective functionality.

Easily transportable in backpacks by two-man teams, enabling coverage of remote areas inaccessible to vehicles, enhancing operational flexibility and reach.

Small and lightweight, making it easily transportable. Can be carried and operated by a two-person team. Can also be mounted on vehicles for increased mobility.

Efficiently detects both human intrusions and vehicular movements. Effective surveillance around the clock. Suitable for various terrains, ensuring versatile application.

Engineered to withstand extreme weather and environmental conditions. Capable of monitoring activities over long distances.

Can be operated remotely, enhancing safety and convenience. Integrates with other sensors such as electro-optic cameras, enhancing surveillance capabilities. Enables early detection of unwanted movements, improving response times.

Enhances the security of border areas by detecting intrusions and smuggling activities. Provides critical information on enemy movements and activities. Protects both civilian and military installations from unauthorized access.

Can be carried in backpacks, allowing access to remote and inaccessible areas. Increases operational flexibility and reach, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Offers effective functionality to support combat operations.

Improves security measures through advanced surveillance technology. Facilitates efficient and reliable monitoring, contributing to proactive threat management. Suitable for various environments and can be scaled according to specific security needs.

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Note:- All the system / equipments offered by us are for end - usage by Government or Ministry of Defence or its related agencies only and not for private or commercial usage.

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