Surveillance Radar

Our advanced airport surveillance radar systems excel in wide-area surveillance and automatic aircraft identification. Featuring primary and secondary radars, they detect and classify various objects, ensuring cost-effective and sustainable operations with minimal maintenance needs.

Comprehensive Airspace Protection

Our surveillance radar systems are equipped with advanced technologies to detect, track, and monitor objects within a designated area, providing essential situational awareness for both civilian and military applications. Utilizing electromagnetic waves, our systems accurately identify the position, speed, and trajectory of various targets, including aircraft, slow-moving helicopters, and even flocks of birds, under all weather conditions and during both day and night.

Powered by advanced technology, our products excel in detecting and classifying various objects, including small entities like ultra-lightweight aircraft, slow-moving targets like helicopters, and even flocks of birds.

Our scalable and adaptable products showcase radars and sensors that substantially elevate performance while minimizing the need for frequent operations and maintenance, ensuring cost-effectiveness and sustainability.

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Around the world the Military, Defence forces and Intelligence agencies of more than seventy countries reach out for Shoghi when it comes to integrated electronic defense technologies, products and systems.

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74, Electronic Complex, Industrial Area, Shoghi, Shimla - 171219 (HP) India

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Note:- All the system / equipments offered by us are for end - usage by Government or Ministry of Defence or its related agencies only and not for private or commercial usage.

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