Network Intelligence Filtering & Target Identification System

The Internet and mobile revolutions have created tremendous opportunities for all parts of the population to access unlimited information anytime, anywhere. However, these advancements also pose new challenges for Law Enforcement organizations tasked with ensuring private and public safety. 

Shaping a Safer Digital Future: Unmasking Digital Threats

Social media and the Internet can easily be misused to spread false or inappropriate information, including hate speech and propaganda that can lead to violence and riots. Targeted cyber-attacks can disrupt and damage government, financial and digital assets. New technology helps criminals evade the government law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Shoghi’s NIFTI offers law enforcement agencies, the capability to monitor and/or block hazardous web content and access to deceptive information (fake news). It also facilitates the analysis and control of encrypted web traffic. The solution is equipped with a range of features, including the regulation of social media usage and geolocation of anonymous targets. It provides capabilities crucial for law enforcement agencies and regulators, enabling the limitation of communications for criminals or suspects which includes blocking the use of VPNs, access to the dark web and degrading the quality of VOIP calls.

Nationwide cybersecurity measures include advance cyber threat mitigation, streaming control, and DPI for enhanced network visibility. Proactive measures like application alerts, VPN blocking, and social media monitoring enhance security.

Internet traffic regulation involves monitoring and controlling social networks, apps, and web activities, including URLs, applications, and devices. This includes identifying and blocking illegal apps and quarantining infected devices.

Implementation of government regulation and policies.

Prevent the spread of false propaganda.

Prevent broadcasts of harmful videos and social media content.

Network visibility at country level.

Metadata collection on social media applications.

Monitor a user, network, or country-wide web access.

Awareness and control of VoIP traffic.

VPNs and anonymizers detection and control.

Uncover darknet user access.

Mitigate advance cyber-attacks.

VoIP Call CDRs over encrypted protocols: WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime

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Note:- All the system / equipments offered by us are for end - usage by Government or Ministry of Defence or its related agencies only and not for private or commercial usage.

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